Hair begins to grow in the womb from around the 6th month.
Hair evolved as a means of protecting the head.
Vitamins A,B-2,B-6, amino acids ,iron and copper etc. are good for
the hair.
Hair growth is affected by the autonomous nerve system and hormonal balance.
The human head has from 100,000 to 150,000 hairs.
The average life span of a strand of hair is 5 to 6 years.
From 50 to 60 strands of hair are replaced everyday.
A strand of hair grows at a rate of about one half inch a month.
The thickness of a strand of hair is from 2/100 inch to 6/100 inch.
Hair contains 80~90% of proteins(keratin) of its whole atom.
A strand of hair is composed of three different parts
with functions analogous to bone, flesh and skin of the human body.